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Best of the Web aims to deliver all the latest on blindness and low vision news and culture from the world wide web. 

How two blind brothers became fashion designers 

When brothers Bradford and Bryan Manning told their parents they were leaving their finance jobs to start a joint fashion line, their parents laughed. It wasn't to do with their sartorial sense. Bradford and Bryan are both legally blind. 

You can read the entire article on the New York Post here. 

How writing poetry helps in my journey toward accepting blindness.

Mel Finefrock has Rod-Cone Dystrophy and is going blind. She uses poetry to give insights into, what she calls, her blindness journey. 

You can read her full article on The Mighty here.

Blind volunteer shows Teen Court that anything is possible. 

Brandon Cox, who has been blind from birth,  has been volunteering with a court program for teens in the USA for over a year. 

Brandon uses his Braille machine to help him complete his clerking duties as he has to read the docket of cases out loud in court. He would like to use this experience as a stepping stone to a career in law. 

You can read the rest of the story at the Bradenton Herald here